Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sep 29 - Slipped Off Confession

Although I've put an end to my competition and conference madness, I have yet to regain my strength. I still couldn't give him my undivided attention and I found it bothering. He never was mad, never. But when I fell asleep again (for the umpteenth time these past weeks), he accidentally said something in his good night message that broke my heart. I don't think he realized it, because for him this would only look like a normal message (with a twisted meaning), but always beware of a girl's sensitivity when it comes to these things. And if he didn't read this blog, he would never realize that one little thing he once said has been haunting me to date (Hi Honey! :P).

"I hope the day we can say good night at the same time will come fast.. I hate to be alone every night. But I know you are dreaming of me. And you know I will scroll to all the pictures you sent me and it will make me smile again."

I always think missing him in the mornings is hard. But now that he's mentioned it...... If not being able to talk to your significant other when you wake up is already bad, imagine how bad not being able to talk to him/her when you go to sleep. I never thought about how it must feel in the other end. </3 How does he manage to stay this whole time..?