Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oct 5 - Date Night

So I have mentioned that in Indonesia, the date night is not on Friday like the others but on Saturday. We call it 'malam minggu' or in short 'malming'. Last week I had to forego our date night because I was attending the closing ceremony of my conference followed by the staying up all night talking with the committees and several delegates who were waiting for their flights back at dawn (so they would rather not sleep at all) and the ones who just got back from the bar. Last week Real Madrid played bad against Atletico Madrid and I wasn't there to cheer him up. I made a mental note to make it up tonight.

All day long today he treated me reeeeeally nicely. He spoiled me from the moment he woke up to a little before my dinner time. We agreed to be on the phone that night before Real had to play at my 1, although we didn't really say what time to be exact.

Apparently I had to go to Grandma's to deliver the milk chocolate puddings I made her. I couldn't stay because Veronica was going to this party of her friend's so it only made sense for me to accompany Daddy to drive her. But that means we couldn't call after my dinner time. I thought, "Okay, we can do it after we drop Veronica off." So we chatted instead about small things about us.

After dropping Veronica off at the cafe, Daddy asked me to help him find stuffs for the house. I couldn't say no, of course. I told Luis this and he didn't mind. We continued talking and at the store, I found something that made me soooo happy!!!!!! I couldn't stop smiling after Daddy bought me this thing. Luis was crazy curious about what drove me this insane, hahaha. But he's in for a treat, he'll be happy once I show him that.

Just when I got home from the store, we tried to call but the connection didn't let us. I was still too happy to be annoyed, so we just let it go, mainly because Daddy and I were going out again, this time altogether with Mom and Chris to dine out and pick up Veronica because it was almost 9. Again, the whole ride we were texting each other non-stop.

We got back home at half past 11. I took a long time to get ready for the call as I was trying to make pictures of the thing Daddy bought me; I was so excited to show it to him! It was around midnight, about an hour before the kick off. Not wanting to risk the mood, I told him to just text and not call (Yes, I promised, I know!), because there's a big possibility the connection will break. He wasn't complaining, so we were texting for some more. And then the OMG-WTF thing happened.... I fell asleep about 30 mins to 1.

I shot out of bed at 2.01, texting him maniacally to say sorry to have fallen asleep... only to discover he was in a bad mood because of Real's bad performance. But guess what? Even when he was in such disappointment, he still was spoiling me! I was sleepy but I could feel it. He said it was okay to text now if I wanted to, but I've promised never to disturb him when he's watching a game, so I said I'd text him when the game ends. I've set up an alarm. He begged me to just text now so I could have more sleep but as stubborn as I was, I said no, it was okay by me. I texted him, "Talk to you at 3! ;)"

And I woke up at 3.38. His last message was sent on 3.31, saying that he waited for me for 30 mins and he was going to sleep instead. I knew it for sure that he must be reeeally upset by the game, and this shitty girlfriend of his, but he still ended the text with a heart! I couldn't sleep anymore. I felt I've failed him. I tried texting him but his last seen was 3.33, only 5 minutes difference from the time I woke up.

Although I was really heartbroken (by my own stupidity), now that I think about it, we really learned so much about each other that night. It felt like.... a real date, where you really get to know each other by discovering your likes and dislikes; the little things about you that you yourself sometimes are not aware of either. Regardless of the epic-fail ending, it was a perfect date night.