Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oct 6 - Double Blunders

There was this one time about a month back when he said, "Your wish is my demand." I wanted to correct him that one time but it didn't feel like the right time, haha, so I just stayed silent. Or.. it could be because he mistyped because he was so busy doing other things. Either way, it's a blunder.

Tonight I asked him to finish my sentence, "Your wish is my..." But he didn't get it at the first time. He thought I was asking him what he wishes for, so he answered, "My wish is you." Here comes blunder number two!

Even when I finally corrected him and now he knew the correct term is, "Your wish is my command.", I couldn't stop myself from rethinking about the second blunder.... He said his wish is me. Hihihihihi.