Saturday, September 14, 2013

Aug 28 - The X-Files

Today is the anniversary of my last day at HPAIR. I was a bit tense and of course he had to sense that. Eventually, I chose to tell him every single thing about it, including my two-night fling with W (even the madness of kissing W and J in one night). I figured, I don't wanna have anything to hide, so it's better for him to know about it all.

One thing I'm so grateful of, we are always cool when we mention our exes (except for that one time when he told me what he did every time he fell asleep with his ex). I know about his first love H who gave him a plane ticket to Paris as a surprise and his three-year relationship with L (After breaking up with her three months ago and basically in non-speaking terms, a few days back out of the blue she texted him asking him to come over and celebrate her grandfather's death anniversary. He replied coldly, "Sorry but no, I have a girlfriend and I don't think she'll be happy about that." I didn't even say a word, hahaha. She texted him again the next day for the same thing and he was really annoyed, "After three months of no contact, she just thought it'd be okay to ask me that because she wanted something." She should have picked up the hint when she saw Luis' picture on WhatsApp, duh.). He knows about Alfons (this one I can't use initials because most of my exes' names start with an 'A', hahaha) and how I changed when I met him and changed again after breaking up with him. I don't think he'd want to know about my other exes, haha, but he knows about M, clearly. I still crack up every time I remember how he always refuses calling him "Matthew" and instead, calls him "that Matt guy" with a disgusted voice, hahahahaha.

He mentioned to me the other day that he can be jealous sometimes (he even apologizes to me in advance, haha, "I'm sorry if I get jealous. Girls don't like when guys are jealous."). I still get to hang out with my guy friends, of course, but he's made it pretty clear that it'd better not be more than hugging. I tilted my head reading this text because we don't even exchange hugs with friends of different sex, unless on special occasions (like with Riskho, for example, or that one time I slept in Araz' bedroom cause we had a big test in the following morning), so it's gonna be okay.