Saturday, September 7, 2013

Aug 15 - Birthday, Baking, Butterflies

It was the eve of my birthday. We were constantly texting until just a little before midnight when I had to come downstairs (a family tradition to get together at 00:00 on birthdays) and when I checked my phone afterwards, there was this short "Happy birthday!" line among the other things he mentioned in his reply message. Exactly the opposite of M's extra long birthday email which was sweeter than a laundry bag of sugar (go figure).

During the day, I asked him for my presents. I was so curious and he knew it! He said, "Going to the gym now and then making your present because certain things have to 'change temperature'. Haha, is that making you even more curious?" I, who since day one always warns to block him right away if I receive a nude picture, replied with, "YOU ARE GOING TO SEND ME A NUDE PICTURE OF YOU OMG OMG OMG! This can't be happening!" I know he wouldn't do it in a million years, it is just hilarious to see his reactions.

In the evening, I came back from dinner to see a picture waiting for me. I was expecting a picture he made on Paint, or the furthest was a picture of him holding a "Happy Birthday!" sign he made with a paper. Instead, here is what I got.

To say I was amazed is an understatement. I mean yes, it was amazing, but most importantly, I was touched by this. Who bakes a batch of cupcake and decorates them for someone he just knew for three days? The "x Lu" piece is definitely my favorite. He never told me he would let me continue calling him by that unusual nickname (You get called Lou all the time when your name is Louis, but Lu from Luis?). On my birthday night, I realized something, I started feeling butterflies on my stomach.