Thursday, September 5, 2013

Aug 12 - Friending

All these times I was only on OkCupid to make friends. On my "You should message me if" I wrote "You have one question you believe I couldn't resist to answer." This feature helps me narrow the message senders I should reply to. Please, you don't wanna know how many "Hi Beautiful, what's your name?" or "Omg you're so hot. Let's meet for a cup of coffee!" I got over the past year. Some are nice, but the rest is plain disgusting.

So this Dutch guy, who revealed later on that he is also of a Spanish descent. I didn't feel anything special at first towards his message, I didn't even read what he wrote on his profile before replying. I clicked his name only to check the description box to see his smoking, drinking, and drugs habit, whose boxes were marked "none". So he doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink, and he doesn't do drugs. The no smoking part I could understand, but the no drinking and no drugs part? White guys drink alcohol like us Indonesians drink sirup Marjan (bad analogy, I know), plus weed is legal in the Netherlands! I thought, "Hmm, maybe he's different..... or a pathological liar." Little did I know that our conversation would reach broader topics and the length of it would just continuously expand.

Right after he wrote a long message, he said, "That was a pretty long message." To which I said, "I don't mind long messages, if we're about to be friends then you should be able to tell me things." When he replied it with "Yes you are right, sometimes I can't tell a lot." I knew we were gonna be friends.

Later on that day, I told him I was going offline, so he asked for my WhatsApp. I had never given my number to anyone I met online. It's just plain creepy. I contemplated a lot and voiced what I was thinking about, but his "I don't know, it was just a proposal." whispered to me to give in. And it was the best decision I have ever made.