Saturday, September 14, 2013

Aug 25 - Rationality and Possibility

It's obvious that the fundamental reason why it's working with us is because we're brutally honest to each other about everything, although at numerous times it can be risky for our relationship. Personally, I'm so glad that with him I don't have to fake things or change my sentence in the middle of typing because he accepts me for who I am.

This morning he was telling me that he would delete his OkCupid account. One thing led to another until we reached the topic of cheating. Usually the more rational one, this time, from the start, he said it will never happen because he devotes his heart to only me. Of course I appreciate his deed and positivism, but being so far away from each other, there is nothing to guarantee and nobody to vouch for our faithfulness. We meet hundreds of other people daily and there is always a possibility that one or both of us will meet someone else, someone closer, and mistaken them to be someone better only because they are available.

Although he's still on his stance that he would never look for someone else when he's with me, he finally agrees with me on one thing, that we will not cheat on each other. If the damned thing of opening our heart to another person really takes place, we will tell each other upfront, rather than going behind each other's back and making up stories to use it as a reason to break up. I'm very pleased with this and became even more confident about going on this journey with him.

Nasi kuning with ayam bumbu rendang and kerupuk Bali that he made for dinner. He made it "extra hot" tonight. Why? "I thought I have to get used to it." Cheers to Indonesian spicy food!