Thursday, September 5, 2013

Aug 12 - The Beginning

One day, I couldn't find anything fun to do. I was really frustrated by this guy who kept on sending me lovey-dovey emails and had said more L-word to me in a week than my dad to my mom in a year. At first it was okay, I was in the mood for a form of adoration and he just happened to be the solution of the issue, so.. whatever right. But then all kinds of boredom came striking during my three-month summer break and he was just not cutting it anymore. I wanted to end things with him so many times but he just kept showing that I was the only good thing happening in his life. Don't get me wrong, he's really nice and has a good heart but he fell in too deep too quick and to be honest I found it suffocating. Didn't find what I was looking for in him, I re-activated my OkCupid account I've had since early 2012 for a little good fun (within the past year I've been deactivating and re-activating this account depending on my mood).

Among all things in my packed up inbox lied this message from a stranger.

And so the story begins.