Monday, September 9, 2013

Aug 19 - Darlings and Cockroaches

He now occasionally calls me sayang every now and then, while I was totally helpless with Dutch. I even asked Alfons about it and that guy was completely useless. It's now obvious that the past years I've been "idealizing" him, clouding myself with what I thought of him instead of what he really is. My friends were right, he wasn't that good for me. But that's a story for another time. I gave up eventually and asked Luis directly.

V: Lu, Lu, what is the term of endearment in Dutch for a girl to a guy? I looked up online and found schatje, lieverd, and liefje. But those are for girls right, not for guys?
L: You can say it for both. :) So I can say schatje to you, but you too to me. Haha, don't call me lieverd, it's sooo uhm.....
V: So what, Lu? Feminine? :P
L: No, it's uptight, haha, my family would laugh at me. (tears of joy face)
V: Hahaha what do you mean uptightttt? I don't understand.
L: Uhm, I looked it up in the dictionary. In Dutch it's kakker.. Uhm, cockroaches?
V: WHAT!!!?
L: Like, uhm, people who have a lot of money/overdone, always play polo, etc.
V: Honey, cockroaches are the animals!! The gross ones hahahahaha.. Okay, I'll find what lieverd really means, hahahaha.
L: Then my dictionary app is crap. Haha..