Thursday, September 5, 2013

Aug 14 - Special Remark

I went to see Halle Berry's The Call with Stephanie today. Right after the movie ended, as we were picking out a restaurant to have lunch and meet Sharon and Laura in, I checked my phones, fully knowing that both of them had just woken up (6 hours difference with M in Pedrogao and 5 hours difference with him in Roermond). My Blackberry blinked at the email, "Good morning Sunshine! How did you sleep last night? Xxxxxxxx" and my Samsung vibrated at the text, "Good morning Vic :) How did you sleep?" Kill me.

Turning 21 wasn't something I was really looking forward to, I explained it on my blog. In short, I couldn't even sleep at nights approaching Aug 15 because of the anxiety and unimportant thoughts. Doubting had never been this time-consuming. Both of them knew about this. M told me to relax and promised "to make you feel special although I couldn't be there for you and it really broke my heart." L, the always more realistic one, didn't make a big deal out of it. He even said I was "crazy" for being so freaked out. At the end of the day, he promised to "make something tomorrow" and "it's for your birthday but I only can send a picture of it." I bet you can easily tell which one I couldn't wait to see.

Speaking of Luis, in only two days we had begun to really get to know each other. He mentioned everyone in his family and that really touched me. I also always had this unusual feeling every time he brought up the topic of his nephews and nieces, but I couldn't really understand why that time. Suddenly Stephanie and Sharon took over my phone to say hi to him and he treated them very nicely. That was when I finally figured it out. He's a family guy, and family guys always earn the most brownie points.

Yes, he shares chocolate mousse with his mom.