Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sep 10 - Family Feast

Both of us woke up to heavy fatigue from hours sitting down in the car almost all day yesterday, too bad we couldn't afford to sleep some more since the agenda for today was cray-cray! (In the future I'll be rereading this post and try to kill myself for using the word cray-cray, I just know it.) At 8 I had an appointment with my hair stylist, then we needed to pick up a few items from the drugstore next to the salon for his friend Jeremy, then to have breakfast. At 10 I already had to go to the first out of two government offices I needed to follow up my ID card renewal at. After lunch, we would look for a Batik shirt for his older brother Fransje in a mall, have dinner with my family at 6.30 in another mall, and get Real Madrid jerseys for his younger brother Antonio. Later at night, it was surprising for me that the ambitious plan actually didn't pan out too terribly. In fact, there were only a few slight changes here and there.

Starting from the hair appointment. Apart from how weird it was to see how much makeup my hair stylist put on her face (her co-workers told me later on that she did it because she knew Luis would tag along like last year, hahahaha), it was a dreadful morning for Luis that my hair a.k.a. his pride and joy was about to be shortened. I told him a million times it was just going to be a few inches, it wasn't like I was about to go all short or anything, but he wouldn't listen. To make him happy, I let him sit next to me with his chair turned to me, so he could watch every single action my hair stylist took. Right after she had the scissors in her hand, Luis asked me to tell my hair stylist to show him first how long she'd be cutting. She couldn't contain her laughter! During the whole process, she kept on giggling cause it was so funny that we needed his permission for it. At the end of it, he admitted that it wasn't too bad. He's too cute for his own good. I'm pinching his cheeks the next time I see him.

The drugstore had everything we needed but a couple of items so we made a mental note to find those on his last day here (it broke my heart having to say that). Next to it is my favorite nasi goreng place in the entire world, Bakmi Siantar, which has become Luis' favorite too. Side note: the last time we went here, the owner told me she'd memorized Luis' order. Hahaha, he did go there a few times whenever we couldn't eat together. The portion was hugeeee as always, which was great remembering the full day we had ahead of us. 

While I let Luis rest in his apartment as I took care of the documents for my ID card renewal (he suffered so much more than me since he was taller) until lunch time. I texted him asking if he'd like to have lunch before leaving to Central, but he told me he was just as full as I was, therefore we agreed on just having a late lunch at the Batik place instead and I asked him to pick me up at home. He came over in my favorite white shirt of his and a pair of light brown chino pants I got him, looking dandy as always. This might sound silly but I almost didn't want him to leave my living room (Sorry, Mortified Future Self.). Even when we finally did leave, I just had to steal a few glances every now and then at him. Yes, please.

The journey to get Fransje a Batik shirt was long and full of effort but it was worth it! We definitely enjoyed looking around, comparing things, and imagining how he would look like in each one and if it would fit (he's on the bigger size side). While shopping, we even took time to check with his wife Nancy (I love her). Finally Luis chose a classic Batik shirt and I gotta admit, dude's got some class. Hihihihihihi, but then again he always has a great taste, I'm a proud girlfriend. As discussed, we had late lunch although just a little, merely to survive the crazy traffic we were about to face after this. :D

But just as we were about to head to the dinner place (in the same mall where we'd also pick up the jerseys for Antonio), I remembered I wanted to visit Pinky booth in Plaza Indonesia, I'd been wanting to give their Hokkaido snow ice a go, so we swung by. I ordered the flavor of the month, raspberry, and he went for chocolate.

Upon seeing how huge it was, we thought it would be boring and that we would get obnoxious trying to finish it. We were dead wrong! It was different than your usual snow ice and we absolutely love how they put little flavored-water balls in the raspberry mount and chocolate chips in the chocolate one. It was a cute and lovely surprise! I initially planned on sharing both, but of course I ended up giving my full attention to the chocolate ice. Obviously. :P I wished we still had time to go here again and try out the other flavors (I want the mango one so bad!!), but the chance was really small.

Magically, traffic on the way to Plaza Senayan was not too heavy. We even had enough time to go to Sports Station and get the two jerseys for Antonio which was great so we could go home directly after dinner. We did that and checked out a few other stores while waiting for my family to arrive, the restaurant, Genki Sushi, was in the basement anyway.

With the fancy and futuristic food delivery system in the background. We had to record it! :D

Ummmm, yeah, we kind of went bananas. The menu on the iPad was too tempting!

His first ever trial of digesting a raw salmon. Prior to this, he was a raw-food virgin.

Satisfied tummy, satisfied heart. Apparently I cannot get any more dangdut while writing this post.

How the dinner could turn out to be as lovely as that is beyond me (Notice how I still use present tense?). Food was unbelievably scrumptious, yes, but how great the non-food element was still leaves me in a disbelief (Yup, another present tense.). I'll keep my mouth shut for the most part cause I don't want to jinx anything. One thing I'm brave enough to say, tons and tons of weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Day rate: 10/10. In Luis' words, 3 starts and bonus level unlocked.