Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Aug 26 - Normal Jakartan Day

What can be more predictable for Jakartans other than going to a mall? :P

I was on my way to meet Luis when a car passed me by, we were gonna take a taxi to the mall. It was Mariana's mom, Aunt Adel, who was on her way to my house to pick Mama up. Apparently they also had a birthday luncheon at the mall where Luis and I were heading to! So Mama offered to take me to Luis and then bring us both to the mall. At first I was hesitated cause Bapa and I agreed on not introducing him to my uncles and aunts just yet (cousins are totally cool), I was worried Bapa might think I set this up or something, but Mama assured me that it was okay and she would defend me if Bapa made a big deal out of it (but until today Bapa never brought it up so we're good, hehe).

All over Path, my friends had been writing on how good Inside Out was. I wanted to watch it too! So right after we finished eating at Luis' favorite restaurants-combination in the whole wide world, Bakmi GM and A&W ice cream (hahahaha, for real), we ordered tickets to see the movie. We had a good hour before the movie started, so we made the best use out of it.

The movie was good! I am never a fan of cartoon movies (he is), but the storyline and the moral were great so I too would recommend it.

I'm definitely Joy!
We were basically freezing in the cinema (who puts blasts full AC in a basically-empty theater?). As soon as the movie ended, we exited the mall just to bask ourselves in the sun. We were taking a casual stroll while deciding where to eat and we thought of family's favorite kwetiau restaurant. We didn't plan on walking all the way there, but somehow we did that! Hihihihi, Luis and I just love walking so much. On the way to that dinnerplace, we made a stop at a park where he made me ride one of the working out machines and taped it! It was hilarious, he always knows how to make my day even better.

I was going to hail a taxi to pick up his Indonesian sim card at a store near our house, but he suggested taking a bajaj instead. I'm not joking, the guy is addicted to bajaj! Hahahahaha.. We stopped a random bajaj right in front of the restaurant, and of course the most ridiculous bajaj had to be the one that stopped! The bajaj was equipped by huge speakers at the back of it that blared dangdut songs. Luis couldn't help but videotape the whole situation despite the lack of proper lighting. It was hilarious.

One last thing! This reminds me of the first day, a few days ago. We were exiting the highway and as he climbed down, the traffic greeted us. I asked him in a rhetorical manner, "Did you miss Jakarta's traffic?" He replied in an instant, "No, but I miss being in a bajaj." Hahahahahahaha!