Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Aug 30 - A Detour

As resolved last week, today was the day we went to the car exhibition with Araz. It was the closing day, so we had already expected the place to be packed and all........... but we ruled out the possibility of being stuck on the highway for 3 hours.

You know the traffic is nuts when you can take a selfie IN the traffic

Not being able to bear the boredom and tiresome and hunger anymore, we took the first exit and then Araz took us to a mall. Luis is not a fan of all-you-can-eat normally, but as we were entering the building, he suddenly suggested we eat there and Araz thought it was a brilliant idea! He took us to the Italian buffet and we literally ravaged the place. I lost count of how many plates we finished, plus the free drinks included in the package. It was excessive. We made every single rupiah count (we don't have pennies in Indo). 

Araz came into the Italian place with the shirt unbuttoned cause he wore another shirt underneath. Coming out of the place, he had to button his shirt cause he was afraid the belly would show! Hahahaha, hilarious! He drove us to church before heading off to a wedding that he definitely couldn't eat anymore in. :D We stayed in the building for quite and walked to the next mall that's attached to it where I showed Luis the places that sell pirated DVD's. I can tell he was taken aback by how swarmed the illegal place is, haha..

Although we had to undergo the detour earlier, we three sure had a great time. It was another bonding moment for Luis and Araz which I believe would benefit me in a long run, hehehehehehe.. I love it when my two men click.