Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Aug 29 - Sweet Date Night

As much as I'd like to be with Luis today, I couldn't. I needed to visit my grandparents since the three of them couldn't make it to my graduation yesterday due to physical health, which was absolutely fine by me! Luis also understood, he's really the best. However, before I went with everyone to the grands' (which are so far away from each other and therefore would cost basically almost all day for a visit to both), I asked him to come over for a while. I specifically asked him not to do his hair, hihihi!

Nope, it's only half of the dolls he brought for me.
It was already dinnertime when I arrived back home. Luckily, I remembered to order nasi uduk ayam kremes from a restaurant in Cibubur that he really loved the last time. He still loves it so much! I'm sure if they had a store in our area, Luis would be asking to eat there at least twice a day. Not that I would mind, the sight of him eating something he loves never fails to curve a smile on my face. :)

For desserts, we went to a little cake shop near home, instead of spending the only two hours going somewhere else. We'd rather have a great conversation and enjoy each other's company over those tiramisu and chocolate mousse in the secluded corner of the bakery. We held hands. Smiled. Feed each other. Took silly photos. Joked. People-watched. Exchanged stories. Cuddled. Just made each other happy. Made our own selves happy.

Walking home, we popped into the fruit shop to buy pineapples and ice creams. I know it sounds stupid but doing groceries has got to be one of my favorite activities to do as a couple with him. That and wearing dresses and skirts that he loves seeing me in. Just like this dress, which he first saw me in a photo two years ago and he told me he liked a lot. The time spent is never the indicator of our happiness. It's the connected hearts and the efforts in making the relationship last forever.