Thursday, July 16, 2020

Jul 16 - Engineering Hearts

His flight in with Garuda was initially booked for Aug 13, allowing him to arrive in Jakarta in the morning on the 14. A few weeks ago, due to slow demand for international flights, Garuda decided to reduce the frequency to twice a week. His got dragged three days in advance, scheduled to fly in on the 10. We felt so lucky his boss is a reasonable man, so it wasn't a problem to add a couple more days into Luis' planned annual leave.

This morning, he sent me a screenshot of, guess what, another change. Now he's scheduled to fly in on the 8. I'm thinking Garuda is now reducing the flights to only once a week (my heart sank cause it would create another chaos with his siblings whose work nature is not as flexible as his, but we'll deal with this later once we have heard from them).

How does this recent development make me feel?

Pre-Corona, this would be the best thing ever! Aug 8 is a Saturday, thus no problem with his work there. So why am I not jumping for joy, knowing I have two extra days with him? The answer is because I do not even know whether or not I'll end up having him board that plane if the partial lockdown policy is still in place.

Pre-Corona, I would have trouble sleeping literally starting from the night he booked his flights, from the excitement of having him come to me! Sadly it's not the case now. While usually I would have a note full of activities and food I wanted us to do/enjoy on his upcoming visit, this time around I cannot look forward to it too much..... except if I'm that ready to experience one hell of a disappointment.

Crazy to think I've engineered my heart so much that I'm not even stoked for my own wedding day. (insert a sad smile here)