Thursday, February 19, 2015

Feb 19 - L(o)uis!

This whole post is triggered by my long WhatsApp chat with my girl Uty (missed her so much!), who, towards the end of our chat, asked me this, "How is Luis btwwww, I heard he went to Cuba."
I literally laughed hysterically because it was Louis Cole from FunForLouis channel who went there, not Luis, haha!
My sister and I actually have spotted this a long time ago, how is it that I only know two guys with that name and I'm completely obsessed with both!? :D

I even came clean to him a few days ago that sometimes, I can't decide which one is pronounced "Luis" and which one is pronounced "Lui", hahaha, he was pouting but I know we both know it's only because 1) they do sound very similar, 2) both of them are in my life a lot, and 3) I raaaaaaarely call Luis by his name; most of the time I use pet names that would make you gag, hahahahaha..

Other than extraversion/intraversion personality, they both are amazing with kids, selfless, humble, adventurous, family-oriented, chilled, and inspirational.

Love them!