Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Feb 16 - Round Up of My Top 7 Fave Dates (Summer 2014)

Honestly, never take my words when it comes to me making plans (and promises) to write regularly on this blog.
I recall pronouncing I'd be posting everyday's diary all through the days he was here visiting; obviously I wasn't.
This roundup of seven favorite dates of mine (I tried downsizing these to five but I just couldn't!) hopefully will make amends and pose as a hint of how unforgettable last summer was to me:

1. Perfect Little Picnic
His favorite photo of me (he's having this printed).
When / Where: Aug 21 / Island Creamery, Gading Walk
Introduction: We were supposed to have a South Jakarta tour with my girl friends Theresa, Naila, and Ester that day, but Naila canceled that morning so we thought we'd just reschedule it to the end of the week. 
Favorite part: We randomly took a bajaj (his favorite mode of transportation, haha) to Kelapa Gading Mall, packed a few pastel and risoles from Ma'Cik in a plastic container, and took a stroll at Gading Walk (the place was basically empty!) before deciding to get some ice cream to enjoy after the savory little cakes. So there we were, playing a little picnic outside of Island Creamery ice cream shop with our snacks and ice creams, taking in the breezy wind and colorful scenery we got to ourselves.
Moral: It was a relaxed, laid-back, and low-key date that successfully made a point that it doesn't matter whether the date is all glitzy and glamorous or just spontaneous and cozy, we'll always have a good time together.

2. Failed Safari Night 
A very non-flattering picture of us four at a Sate Maranggi place, taken at a little before midnight.
When / Where: Aug 30 / Puncak
Introduction: Rio picked us up near our area and we all drove to Ega's house before leaving to Puncak for the Safari Night, since they only have it on Saturdays and this was his last Saturday here in Jakarta. What's unexpected was Puncak was over-crowded that they enacted that silly rule of alternating the directions of cars. We (climbers) were halted for hoursssssssssss before it was our turn to take the road! As a result, we missed the show by 5 minutes. You read it right, the last bus left at 9pm and we arrived at 9.05pm.
Favorite part: We were dead tired from the failed attempt, but we got to hold each other ALL night long in the car. He, still in a recovery of another stomach bug thanks to Jakarta's unhygienic environment, slept in my arms and there was no better feeling than that. It was such a lovely memory that's irreplaceable. Plus, this was a double date with Rio and Ega, our favorite couple who was suuuuuper sweet and helpful the whole time he was here. What they did means so much to us. RIP our best friend Nikolas Satrio.
Moral: A disaster, when undergone with calm and sincerity, could result as a blessing in disguise.

 3. Dreams Do Come True
Perfection redefined.
When / Where: Aug 9 / Ah Yat Seafood Restaurant, Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel
Introduction: Other couples start from first dates and work themselves up to a real relationship. We did it the opposite way. In fact, it took us almost a year to have our first date.
Favorite part: Everything went so well and ever so smoothly. The timing was perfect, the place was incredible, the food was divine, and the expectations were far exceeded. Read the full story on flashback mode here.
Moral: Patience is a virtue. Everything was worth it.

4. Minnie Mouse's 22nd Birthday
A picture worth-sharing everywhere.
When / Where: Aug 15 / My house
Introduction: The first time we realized we have matching t-shirts by chance, we just knew we couldn't ever lose them and they were basically a staple item for this summer.
Favorite part: Finally, we didn't need to edit two separate pictures of our selfies wearing the Mickey and Minnie series into one couple picture; we WERE in a frame together wearing them! And come on, what could have been a more appropriate time to be doing this, other than my birthday?
Moral: His presence was the best present anyone could ever give me for my 22nd birthday. 

5. Happy 1st Anniversary!
The most appropriate place to celebrate our first anniversary.
When / Where: Aug 24 / Segarra Beach Club
Introduction: Prior to this perfect anniversary dinner, we went to A Thousand Islands without realizing we ordered the wrong package. The so-called port, a fish market, was utterly disgusting. The vehicle, fishermen's wooden boat, was anything but sturdy and comfortable. The blazing sun, powerful enough to burn my already-tanned skin tone, was the worst enemy of his not-100% physical condition. The cab we took to move from that, um, port, to Ancol beach apparently had its taximeter broken, causing us to pay so much (I was too exhausted to do anything past glaring at the sinful driver and praying for him to get the golden ticket to hell). Even to enter the whole complex, we had to go the extra miles (quite literally) because the ticket counter didn't accept debit cards (looks like they couldn't move on from 1980's just yet).
Favorite part: We witnessed things went from one extreme to the other. We are such beach people and seafood lovers. That dinner was right up our alley! Hands down the most romantic night we have ever spent as a couple. Plus, the gorgeous, candle-decorated strawberry cheesecake with "Happy 1st Anniversary, Schatje <3" I ordered made an entrance just on time (he was surprised!).
Moral: Bad things need to happen so we can appreciate good things even more.

6. Meeting My Friends
Both of our phones' wallpapers, that's how much we love this picture/day.
When / Where: Aug 14, Sea World
Introduction: He was having a terrible tummy pain! Most likely following an irresponsible act of me and my girlfriends Ega and Uty who took him to eat at Sate Padang Ajo Ramon. I don't think I would be able to understand how he managed to not show the pain to me and focus on my happiness instead. He knew I had been waiting forever to go to this place with him and he was being a fantastic sport by giving his all not to worry nor upset me.
Favorite part: That moment when you had just seen all of the beautiful and mighty creatures in the underwater world and you came out of that building to your wonderful boyfriend saying, "I've never seen you so happy."
Moral: The more selfless you are, the higher people will think of you (no wonder I think the world of him).

7. The Promise Ring
The view from Skye Bar and Lounge, Grand Indonesia, taken by Ega and Tegar.
When / Where: Aug 27 / Cikini Gold Center
Introduction: I'm happy to receive chocolate treats from him at any given day, but pricey just-because gifts? No, thank you. He (and practically everyone in my life) knows that I'm not that kind of girl. I can take care of myself just fine and he knows best not to offend me by buying me things to 'help' me. Promise ring, however, is a whole other thing. We've agreed on this (him getting me a promise ring) since a really, really long time ago and I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited for this day to come! We had been looking for rings for a few days now but nothing really stood out to us.
Favorite part: One day, today, we decided to dedicate an afternoon to look for rings. We went to this place, a gold center, preparing to be overwhelmed by so many choices at so many stores in one building, and having to make hard decisions on which one to buy. It wasn't like that at all. We scanned the whole floor, pointed at an alley, stopped at a random store, fell in love with one specific ring, and decided to try that one out. They only had one more piece left and it was my size. It was pure magic.
Moral: Eventually, all things will fall into place.

Honorable Mention:
(You didn't seriously think I was only gonna lay out seven events, did you?)

Photo taken by Zuleika Rega

Photo taken by Catherine Dian

No details needed. May these speak for themselves.