Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Jul 06 - Everything Changes but Stays the Same

It's RIDICULOUS to see that another month has flown by. 
Entering July simply means the year has already been halfway done and, no joke, I was dead wrong to think 2014 was the fastest year to be quickly done; 2015 is!
So many has happened this year: all the goods and bads, the highs and lows. 
At this point, I am very thankful of how things have turned into and so excited for what's to come.
Not only for me, but also for us.
With Luis' second visit still up in the air thanks to painstakingly weird schedules we both have to deal with, I have to halt what I did this time of the year last year, which was planning tons of things regarding this arrival and organizing date ideas for when he actually got here.
He's still coming for sure, but we're just still not sure when exactly; could be late summer, could be early fall.
Yes, that would mean he would miss my birthday, our second year together, and my faculty graduation, although we're still trying to make it work so he wouldn't have to miss my university graduation as well; fingers crossed it's still feasible.
Of course it sucks that he couldn't attend those first three things, but we've gone back and forth to realize there's really nothing we can do; I can't change the obvious dates (duh) and he can't do anything about his schedule, so I guess you'll be seeing pouty pictures of me on those three occasions, haha.

But deep inside me, I am just very thankful that he's still coming this year.
Despite the impossible schedule.
Despite the uncomfortable time.
Despite the long distance.
Despite the high cost.
Despite the uneventful city.
Most importantly..
Despite the resistance from my parents.

Niet lief of you making me miss you even more, Lu.