Thursday, April 2, 2015

Apr 02 - I Wrote This For You (Part 1)

For a long, long time now, I have been addicted to the writing style (and the work) of a South African blogger named Iain Thomas. He's been posting on I Wrote This For You (IWTFY) since 2007 and some of his posts have been compiled into a published book which goes by the same title as the blog. It's... surreal to think that I've been following him for actually 8 years of my life!

On my previous blog that I stopped writing on the moment I started to get serious with Luis, I once list a few of my favorite posts of his, dated on December 5, 2010. Today, the favorite number has gone to a much, much longer list, but I just thought it'd be lovely to repost my old favorites (till 2007) here as well.

“There is no need to escape. To break the chains. To storm the gates. You are already free. You just need to realise it.

I’d leave the memory of you at the station, if it didn’t already know the way home.

“Wish you were here. Wish I was there. Wish it was different. Wish wishes came true. I’d wish you back.

“To wake up next to you. And confirm that the images I saw on the back of my eyelids seconds before, have all been made real.”

“We’re going to build a fort. And it’s only going to be big enough, for just me and you.”

“You tell me that everything is rented. That even my time, is borrowed. Well, sir, at least my thoughts are my own.”

“Your ability to stop and think, about what you think, is the most important gift you possess.”

You are the distance between the way things are and the way I want them to be.

“It feels like you or the world will never change. But I’ve seen you change. Both of you.

“Making love was never about you and me in a bed. We made love whenever we held hands.”

He used to post almost everyday before his blog got super famous and he's ventured out to other side projects. To each post, there is a photo taken by his virtual penpal, a Japanese-based photographer with code name Jon, whom he sends his drafts to and would capture just anything that inspires him about those drafts. Very, very interesting concept of a teamwork (that obviously works wonders). But the main thing I love about his writing is how vulnerable, sensitive, and raw it is, that you just can't help but relate them to yourself, although you know he doesn't write about/for you, for sure. The honesty in his writing makes it hard to believe what he said that these posts are actually fictional: there has never been a single human being who triggers them. Simply un.... believable.

You can find him here (he's replied to my tweets before) and see him speaking at TedX Johannesburg here.

Luis' comments on the blog, "He has great one-liners. I get why you love it so much." Of course he does, he always does. :)