Saturday, October 21, 2017

Oct 21 - Beyond Hypothetical Scenarios

Having managed his expectations that I'd be in Roermond only for a couple of days and that I won't be able to be there alone, this morning I decided to spill some more details to him.

"I'll be there, you know."
"I hope so."
"I'll be there."
"I hope so."
"No, I'll be there."
"I hope so."
"Hahaha, Honey, I mean it. I'll be there."
"Seriously!? With?"
"Bogor Galuh?"
"Are you serious?"
"I'm serious."

At this point I was literally cracking up. He honestly couldn't believe it. The way his face lighted up. I couldn't control myself; it was so adorable.

"You've booked?"
"You've booked, haven't you? I can read it in your face."
"Hahahaha, you always can."
"I'm serious. I can start bragging to my friends?"
"Yeah, it's booked."
"It is?!"
"Hahahahaha, yes, Baby."
"You have?! With whom?!"
"Singapore Airlines."
"In early August."
"No, not when you'll be here. When did you book?"
"No, I'll be there in April. I booked the tickets Aug 6 this year."

His face. I wish I had it documented.

"Hahahahahahahaha, yeah. I've been holding it from you for so long."
"You've been keeping this as a secret!?"
"I know right!! I was even only gonna tell you on your birthday but here I am now."
"Sayang, please be your usual self. Be bawel banget as usual. You always tell me everything."

I didn't want to hang up. His reaction was priceless. The look of relief, amusement, excitement; everything mixed up together. Right before I went downstairs to help Mom, he said,


Half a year and I'll have his arms around me again.