Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mar 27 - Our Favorite Pasttime Activity

I'm not sure if I have mentioned this here before, but Luis and I just looooove taking quizzes! We aren't reaching the point of being superstitious and believing everything the result suggests, of course, but we think it's super fun to see how we are compared to each other, cause most of the times, the questions itself teach us many things about our own already.

One of the quiz provider feeds that I like going to is BuzzFeed Quiz which is very active and creates creative (and not so creative) quizzes on everyday basis. I like BuzzFeed in general; I am subscribed to their mailing list and almost every night I would check one or two links of their top picks on trending articles (and send a few stand-out ones to Luis to read while I have already been sleeping, hehehe, such as "Internet Explorer is Finally Being Killed After Years of Merciless Mockery", "25 Life-Changing Style Charts Every Guy Needs Right Now", and "Here are 20 Meals You Can Make in 20 Minutes"; you get the idea), but the quizzes are the highlight of the email.

Mar 26 evening, I found this one on my subscription list: How Dutch are You?

I just gotta do it right. It was already fun for me (also knowing that I am "not very Dutch", hahaha), but I knew it was something that Luis had just gotten to do too! I expected to be entertained by his result only (which apparently is also that he is "not very Dutch" either, hihihihi, this is among the things that ensures me his Spanish side is much more dominant than the Dutch side), but boy, was I wrong! 

Each question (statements, in this case) triggered a discussion that is both interesting and enriching! Not only did I learn HEAPS about him, I also learned a lot about The Netherlands and Dutch people in general. We had such a great time going through each and every point and you guessed it, it's not something that we (at least I) found easy to move on from. :)

Taking online quizzes: super recommended!