Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mar 30 - Twin Couple: OMG ALERT

Option 1 (If you have time): Watch these videos.

1. Hey Zuri Hall - Our Interracial Relationship Tag

2. Mettin Copier - The Girlfriend Tag

3. Mettin Copier - My Girlfriend Does My Hair

Option 2 (If "Ain't Nobody Got Time for That"): I'll sum it up for you.
1. They are in a relationship where the guy's race is superior to the girl's which guarantees a dirty look from ignorant people in her home country but not his.
2. She talks so loud and he's on a more reserved side (she calls family members in the house by yelling whereas his Dutch family is "quiet as heck").
3. His favorite food is fruit, which she isn't a fan of; at all.
4. She loves dish with strong taste and he tries to control his sodium intake.
5. He makes more sense in arguments but she wins every time cause she's equipped with richer vocabulary (and he still mistakens words sometimes).
6. She hates that he puts so much gel on his hair and he hates that she takes forever to do her make up.
7. He plays football all his life and she is a singer at heart.
8. She absolutely loves the "chicken satay in peanut butter sauce" that he makes.
9. His favorite sports team in general is Real Madrid and NL one is Ajax.
10. "If your boyfriend could be married to a celebrity, who would it be?" Adriana Lima.
11. His foot size is EU 44.
To be continued. (I haven't watched too many of their videos.)

Zuri Hall from Toledo, Ohio met Mettin Copier from Amsterdam when he was in town for a football match. They were in a long distance relationship for sometime afterwards before closing the distance the day Mett relocated to NYC to live with Zuri. The things I mentioned above are what I can conclude from their videos.

I. Can't. I. Just. Can't! How do we look ALMOST THE SAME!? Luis watched it too and he couldn't believe it either! The more similarities our relationships have, the creepier it gets for us! OMG! :')

Mar 29 - My Boyfriend is A Beauty Guru!?

Let me tell you something right off the bat: I take selfies for him all the time....... and this entry has a point. Just thought I'd lay it upfront before you think I'm a narcissistic bitch who loves posting her photos on her blog for the world to see. Haha! Plus, this blog is intended for personal use only, hence this ridiculous disclaimer. :P

Sometime in January this year, I went shopping with my family to Senayan City Mall and I took this photo below whilst waiting for my mom and sister for their restroom break. I am completely aware that it's indicating a serious color mismatch between my face and my neck but I promise it's only caused by the weird lighting in public toilets.

I sent that to Luis with a caption of something like, "Left home looking like a hot mess but now it's not so bad anymore!" which refered to how I got into the car with damp, freshly-washed hair; completely non make up related. His response blew me away, "Pretty lipstick, Sayang.." I stopped walking when the message came through. I wear bold lipsticks ALL the time, from red to pink to purple to brown, but how come he realized I was indeed wearing my favorite lippie of all time, Estee Lauder's Rebel Raspberry!!!?

It was mind-blowing for the moment it took place, but there was always a chance of him just pinpoint-ing something which turned out to be, well, a bullseye to me. Plus, it happened during my blog-fasting period, thus I didn't write about it. Between that time and today, he had some spot-on guesses in a form of general comments as mentioned before, but the lippie thingy was still a champ.

Until I spent time with Ega in her apartment last Wednesday.

She recently got Naked on the Run's palette from Urban Decay, which I'd been wanting to play with for a few months now. When she told me she keeps it in her room, I knew I just gotta try it, so I did. Of all things the palette comes with, I was particularly interested in the rose gold eyeshadow and the mauve pink blush. The moment I started doing my face, I found her Clinique green eyeshadow stick. I tried it on and was so surprised of how sheer it was! I kept on building and building it up to the point that I realized it was actually a shadow tint! Hahaha, Ega had no idea herself! "I picked it up on sale." That makes sense. Anyway, since I'd done a serious product build up on my eye (that apparently so easy to sheer out as I was blending, duh), I decided to keep it on and used the grey shades on the palette for transition, crease, and smokey colors (that apparently isn't picked up very well by the camera, duh again).

The eyeliner is in dark brown which I am not a fan of, so I skipped it and opted for her Mac black gel liner instead. Same thing with the bronzer that I know won't be pigmented enough for my skin tone, therefore I grabbed my usual bronzer/contouring kit. On to the blush! I was on defense about the blush although I immediately was attracted to it eversince I opened the palette, afraid it would clash with my skintone but argh, it's just so pretty! I gave it a try by buffing the product a little at a time and my first instinct for an umpteeth time proves to be something I should listen to: it's beauuuuutiful on my skin! I would venture out to buying blushes in that color, I think. The lipgloss is too light and too pink to my liking, plus nude lips have been my go-to lately, that's why I decided not to use it either. Finally, Ega told me that the mascara is practically rubbish (either the sample size of Perversion is not anywhere as good as the full-sized one or she just got the bad one), and I ended up using a combo of her Lash Stilleto and Falsies from Maybelline. She's recommended the first mascara to me for the longest time now, but I haven't gotten around to trying it, since at home I still have a few back up mascaras, including an unopened Falsies. But after trying the Stilleto one, I've made up my mind: it's going to be my next purchase!! I'm in love.

OH MY GOODNESS THIS ALMOST LOOKS LIKE A MAKE UP BLOG! (Hahaha, I deeply apologize if you are getting annoyed, Bub.)

I hijacked Ega's phone for picture-taking (hehehehehe) and sent those to Luis. I'm 100% positive I only said something like, "We decided to try on some makeups after a successful online hunt for her thesis journal!" Which was literally what I did, considering the reason I came to her apartment was to help her do that and succeeded. Any guess what he said in reply? "Are you wearing different mascaras, Baby? Your eyelashes are looking longer and more curly! Kamu look pretty banget ya.. *flowers*" WHAT!!!!!!!!!? He has always been a mascara guy, but come on, guys aren't able to tell a difference, are they?!

Ega couldn't believe it when I told her what happened. Heck, I couldn't even believe it happened! Hihihihi.. All the while, I was going to send Luis the last photo I made using Ega's phone, so I typed him, "I think you might be getting a mini heart attack after this.." I planned on writing, "Look at my hair!" after that message, but I never got around to do it cause Ega already had snatched my phone off my hand, haha.. She was so curious what and how he said the things he did about the mascara. Before she got over her shock, his reply came through, "That hair though......... *covering mouth monkey*" SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! I think it was Ega who might be getting a heart attack, hahahaha.. She literally rolled on the bed saying, "I give up. How can a guy notice those things!? I cut my hair and even my boyfriend doesn't notice it!" Hahahaha..

And after tonight, I knew I just had to write this post.

Meet my best guy friend in the entire world, Araz. His birthday was actually in November, but since his last birthday, we had never had time or the right moment to celebrate it. Tonight, he was taking me to an amazing Chinese restaurant and an Italian place for refreshments. Even before he picked me up, I was already having a non-stop cringe looking at his recent profile picture on LINE. He cut his hair and looks sooooo darn ugly (uglier? Haha). You've guessed it, right from the moment I got into his car all through the moment he dropped me home, his hair was pissing me off so much! He was so annoyed that I kept on voicing out my irritation, haha, but honestly it was bugging me like nobody's business.

I arrived home around 11 and sent this collage to Luis plus a picture of Araz looking oh so psyched setting up his new watch (we picked it up before we headed to dinner) like a kid on Christmas day with the captions "The collage aku made" and "Araz so happy with his latest purchase! Hihihihi aku chose that watch *flower* *happy girl* *flower*". I'm looking at my phone as I'm typing these captions to make sure they are as accurate as they can be.

Wanna guess what Luis' reply was? "Uhmmmmmm, did he cut his hair?! *panicked face*" Hahahahahahahahaha I'm sooooo done! I quickly made a screenshot of the conversation and sent it to Araz cause he needs to know even without me trying to brainwash Luis to say his new haircut is horrible, he already thinks the same way! Hahahahaha..

Now, is my boyfriend a beauty guru for noticing these things???????? No, he's not. He's just the most attentive, caring, and understanding man I've met in my life. And I'm so, so, so very lucky to have him.

PS: I told him these things on the phone. When it reached to me retelling Ega's comment, he casually said, "No girl can mention every Chelsea player in 2007 like you either, Sayang." A hundred thousands brownie points are cruising the oceans now, making their way to where he lives.

Mar 28 - Quickies

Sometimes we have time for each other, sometimes we are rushing to do other things. This is where quickie comes in handy.

Hahahaha, no, not that kind of quickie!

Today, we two were very busy bees. I attended Rio's 100th day Remembrance service at his house followed by a little get-together with my best friends Ega, Uty, and Thomy, and Rio and Ega's best friend Dimas. Then I went with Mom to run some errands (and took cheesy but super cute photobooth pictures as well, hihihi), and did a bunch of other things on my own. Luis always hits the gym before lunch time every Saturday and today was no difference, because his gym opens only for half-day on Saturdays. Then, as usual, he went to the city with his best friend Guus for lunch at their favorite restaurant and Guus would come up to his place to hang until late night.

Last Sunday, he had a football match from early morning to lunch time. At home, he rushed to take a shower, have lunch, and prepare a gift for his niece who had a family birthday celebration in Belgium, also up until the evening. It was an even more extreme case than how today was: we literally texted back and forth for a total of one minute each time (when he woke up, when he got home after the match, and a few times when he was at the party in Belgium), and FaceTime-d while I was eating (because there would have been no other window to be able to call up until the moment I would be sleeping). Talk about fast typing and thinking! Hihi..

One thing that we both have agreed on is to not disturb each other when he/she is with family or friends, so we can still check on each other every once in a while but in a very minimal manner. I'd text him things before bed that he can read after I'm asleep and he would do the same for me for the following morning. Other than the before-bed's filling-in texts, the conversations are very brief, one check-in roughly only takes three to five minutes. Short, but bearable (and reasonable).

And that is our definition of quickie! :D /

Mar 27 - Our Favorite Pasttime Activity

I'm not sure if I have mentioned this here before, but Luis and I just looooove taking quizzes! We aren't reaching the point of being superstitious and believing everything the result suggests, of course, but we think it's super fun to see how we are compared to each other, cause most of the times, the questions itself teach us many things about our own already.

One of the quiz provider feeds that I like going to is BuzzFeed Quiz which is very active and creates creative (and not so creative) quizzes on everyday basis. I like BuzzFeed in general; I am subscribed to their mailing list and almost every night I would check one or two links of their top picks on trending articles (and send a few stand-out ones to Luis to read while I have already been sleeping, hehehe, such as "Internet Explorer is Finally Being Killed After Years of Merciless Mockery", "25 Life-Changing Style Charts Every Guy Needs Right Now", and "Here are 20 Meals You Can Make in 20 Minutes"; you get the idea), but the quizzes are the highlight of the email.

Mar 26 evening, I found this one on my subscription list: How Dutch are You?

I just gotta do it right. It was already fun for me (also knowing that I am "not very Dutch", hahaha), but I knew it was something that Luis had just gotten to do too! I expected to be entertained by his result only (which apparently is also that he is "not very Dutch" either, hihihihi, this is among the things that ensures me his Spanish side is much more dominant than the Dutch side), but boy, was I wrong! 

Each question (statements, in this case) triggered a discussion that is both interesting and enriching! Not only did I learn HEAPS about him, I also learned a lot about The Netherlands and Dutch people in general. We had such a great time going through each and every point and you guessed it, it's not something that we (at least I) found easy to move on from. :)

Taking online quizzes: super recommended!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mar 24 - Little Things Mean the Most

Everything was just normal when I woke up Aug 23 morning.

Six beautiful heart-shaped coasters, a coffee mug with "Home is where the heart is" quote, and an unbelievably sweet note later, I am crowned The Happiest Girl in the World.

Ssh, I think it's permanent!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mar 18 - His Biggest Pet Peeve (with Proof)

So my man was going through old pictures of him, then he suddenly asked me for a picture of me where I have my brows done, followed by a question, "What's the app to make a collage again, Baby?"
I could only wonder what for, but I gave the picture and mentioned "Pic Collage" nevertheless, since it's the only one collage-maker app he has in his phone (I installed it last summer).

Fortunately, it wasn't too long till I got to see this, umm, eyebrows-painting resemblance.

The caption was, "OMG.... Apparently I also did my brows when I was little!"

I told you, he hates my eyebrows that bad! :'D

Monday, March 16, 2015

Mar 16 - His Biggest Pet Peeve

If there is anything Luis hates the most, out of everything I do, is when I'm doing my eyebrows.
He just despises it!

There's number one, then comes cutting my hair and me wearing colored contacts.
Other than that, he's a happy camper.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mar 14 - My Indecisive Self

I have been infatuated for the last 19 months, I want the best for him, I enjoy the things he does for me, and I adore every bit of him.

So which one am I again?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Mar 13 - Weirdos Incorporation

During Face Time Video:

L: I look like Elvis Presley when my hair is like this. (He's refering to the way his hair falls onto the bed as he is laying down.red)

V: Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go..

L: I don't even know any of his songs.

V: You're so weird!

Face Time Video aftermath:

V: Boleh send the screenshot, Pu?

L: Ofc, Baby..

V: Makasiiiiiih! *covering eyes monkeys*

L: Aku juga mau the other ones you took..

V: Okay, but it's always a ton!

L: I know, Sayang, that's why, hihi..

V: Hihihi here are they!

L: I'm so weird.. *cats crying in laughters*


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mar 12 - Necessary Pain

I cried myself out today for missing you, longing your caring touch that makes my body tremble, your warm breath that sweeps off the stubborn fine hair my ponytail fails to hold up, and your calm voice that says, "It will be worth it."

I'll go through more days wiping my tears away every time I think of how far you are, I'll bear more lonely nights I have to spend without you, for I know that on the day we are together forever, I'll be hugging you tight and never letting go of you; all the while, whispering under my breath, "It was worth it."

(Another almost-midnight post. Typing with teardrops streaming down my face. It will be, Honey, it will be.)

Mar 12 - I Miss You

The things I'd do to be with you..
Come home soon to me.

Mar 12 - Near-Future Plan

We have two graduations to attend: my faculty grad and the uni grad.
I've checked for uni and it's Aug 28.
Faculty is always earlier than uni; however, I need to make sure how early it is because it can range from three weeks apart to only a few days.

Eitherway, I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!