Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dec 20 - Rant Response

V: *rants for 30 minutes straight*
L: *listens intently*
V: *feels a lot more at ease* Call aku in half an hour, Baby, aku bobo by then..
L: Uh huh. Take off contacts and makeup ya.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Dec 04 - It's the Little Things

That get me all teared up.

We were just on FaceTime Video as always. I forgot what triggered me but I asked him to show me his corner, that spot in his room where he keeps all of my stuff. There are dolls, a hand-written mug, a bookmark, lots of Finding Dori keychains, Princess chocolates, metal decorators, and all the other pending prezzies plus keepsakes. The joy filled my heart............. up until I spotted Indonesian rupiah bills tucked in the same drawer. Upon entering the country, tourists using visa on arrival need to pay at the immigration section, either in dollars, euros, or rupiahs. He keeps the few hundreds for the fee on his next visit. I couldn't bottle up my emotions.

That remind me how lucky I am.

After a relaaaaxing at-home massage, I felt like watching a movie. Yesterday I fell in love with one of his favorite numbers, French-hit The Intouchables, so I figured I'd ask for more recommendations. He suggested 12 Years a Slave, something I have been wanting to watch but has been put off for no reason at all it seemed. I googled it up and found out it was about the years prior to the Civil War. Aha, that's gotta be the reason why, for a few years now movies dating back in the past do not excite me. I enjoyed watching Hacksaw Ridge because it's about war and I love war films, but had I known earlier it portrayed the mid-1940s, I wouldn't have gone with friends from work, maybe. After explaining all that to him, his candid response was "Iyaaaa, aku udah know about it! Karena also with The Americans." If I had a penny for every guy who paid attention to everything I did and treated my words as if everything had a meaning to it, I would be getting absolutely nothing. I so nailed it at the dating game; what a catch.

That make me fall in love all over again.

Talking me to sleep is his thing, I adore and look forward to it so much. Some nights it is just a quick 3-minute video call, other nights like tonight it is much, much longer. I would find things to ramble about and he would be goofy and we would be joking around 'arguing' over the most unimportant things ever and we would laugh so hard. Every time he makes me laugh, I fall for him even deeper and all over again. I forget about the distance between us cause everything is natural, effortless, and simply beautiful. Until reality kicks in and I realize just how far apart we are. Fortunately, it's not enough to back me off cause I'm in love. I'm in so much love.