Saturday, August 15, 2015

Aug 15 - Birthday and Important Updates

Disclaimer: One really annoying thing happened just now. So if in this post I seem a little bit off and not me, that's totally why.

Unlike last year, Luis is not here for my birthday this year. Even so, he still managed to beat my whole family (and friends) in being the first one to congratulate me! On text, of course, cause he knew my family would come to my room to pray together as a tradition in the house; he's always so considerate and selfless.

I was so busy all day long and he just let me be, not complaining or demanding attention, only a few chats every two hours or so to check in on me and make sure I was safe and sound. I was, and everything went great............ except for the amount of food I ate today! :( Eversince I could remember, my weight has always been something I'm super conscious about. He's coming in 5 days and I'm even heavier than the last time!

Oh.. Yeah, about that.. HE IS COMING IN 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So sorry for the lack of updates! I've literally been all over the place that I just couldn't keep up with the blog anymore. That's such a depressing excuse but I promise it's true! So much is happening, the clock is ticking, and I'm almost always in a rush! I'm so glad things just seem to fall into place, though, from the timing (now he can attend both my faculty and university graduations, plus our two years together) to the last-minute-booked plane tickets (I was afraid the only airlines available were MAS and Air China, hehehe) to the housing (his previous landlord is sooooooooo kind to transform his own office to be Luis' bedroom cause at the moment the apartment is full, hahahahaha, he's super sweet). I'm SOOOOOOOO excited!

Terrible picture, I know, but you get the idea. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Cheers to an even better summer together! <3