Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Aug 22 - Fine China

Before we went to dinner, he showed me the neatly wrapped presents he got for my family. The following picture is only 1/3 of my presents, which is 'only' a bunch of chocolates and snacks. 

I have an obsession with chocolates, but he clearly has an obsession with buying me chocolates.

The other two categories are sentimental items and a huge, ginormous doll family. The sentimental ones are his creations and bought gifts either for monthversaries or random letters and drawings. This category includes a beautiful designer handbag and the cutest PJ's ever known to (wo)man. Finally, the last one can be seen in this example. Example, cause it's only a half of all the dolls he gifted me.

Anyway! I was really feeling Chinese food today, so we opted for a classic Chinese restaurant with arguably the best xiao long bao. The dinner was lovely, it was romantic, it was relaxed, it was exactly what we wanted for that night to turn out.

I was ecstatic for Luis that he finally got the real opportunity to call me his fine China, haha! What a perfect first date night.