Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Aug 20 - Gone Are The Lonely Days

I talk a lot in general. I talk even more when I'm nervous. I don't think I've ever been that talkative in front of Ega, my best friend who obviously spends so much time with me. She was taking me to the airport to pick up Luis, and the traffic was proving Jakarta to be even more f***-ed up that it had already been. The thrill was too intense: we were just getting onto the highway when his plane landed. When we finally parked the car, we literally couldn't decide whether we should wait in the arrival gate or look for him since it was possible he already got through security and all and was clueless of our whereabouts.

But then he came out of the door looking handsome and all. As always. We saw each other and he walked to me with a smile plastered on his face. And for some reason my trembling and wobbly feet managed to take over my frozen brain's task to make me approach him too. He hugged me, caressed my hair as he did that, and I honestly could not remember the first thing he said to me cause I was basically possessed by the butterflies in my stomach.

Hahahahahahaha, I seriously almost threw up rereading the first two paragraphs I have just written, but that's more of less what I was feeling that moment (less is more likely since I was acting more than just a fool the first few minutes we were together).

Brownie's turn after Butterfly (arrival 2014) and Bunberry (departure 2014)
It was almost dinnertime so we decided to grab some food on the way to his apartment. He was unimaginably tired I'm sure, but it's not Luis to let his feelings ruin the moment. Sweet as always, just like the way I remembered him treating me last summer when we were together. 

Ega was definitely the MVP of the day. She was so sweet, I didn't even ask for anything!
Initially we were going to find him a pair of black shoes to wear to my faculty graduation tomorrow, but the shoes he was wearing apparently aren't that bad to go underneath his black suit pants, so we ended up heading to his apartment right after we finished yummy coconut ice cream desserts at Kelasi, such a nice refreshment after a ramen feast.

After a year of being separated, after all the FaceTime video and voice calls, after the lengthy WhatsApp chats (that I, of course, record), we are back to normalcy; so ready to welcome a month of charging phones only once in every two days, since we basically would need it way less than when we are apart. :)

Oh! Just in case you're wondering what's inside his suitcase this time.......

Yup! He has gotten worse since last year. :'D How he managed to fit THOSE THINGS into a suitcase and a backpack? Beats me too.